Use "expropriate|expropriated|expropriates|expropriating" in a sentence

1. The state expropriated the king.

2. The State expropriated his palace.

3. She was expropriated ( of her land ).

4. The State expropriated all the oil wells.

5. The communist government expropriated the landowners.

6. Their businesses were expropriated by the Gestapo.

7. He expropriated the jewels from the bank's safe.

8. He expropriated my ideas for his own article.

9. The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.

10. The government expropriated the land for an airport.

11. She expropriated my ideas for her own book.

12. Where it could, it expropriated resources by simple edict.

13. The new government expropriated the landowners from their estates.

14. In Colombia, there are no administrative provisions for expropriating assets linked to criminal activities

15. Our material resources, including our lands, had been expropriated.

16. 18 synonyms for Confiscate: seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate

17. Synonyms for Arrogating include appropriating, commandeering, expropriating, seizing, usurping, assuming, acquiring, securing, annexing and claiming

18. The funds had Been expropriated By the manager and the accountant.

19. The land for the recreation area was expropriated from local farmers.

20. The exclusion of properties expropriated before 1949 from restitution was inevitable.

21. Properties expropriated by the administrative law enforcement organs or judicial organs.

22. 18 synonyms for Confiscate: seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate

23. 23 synonyms for Arrogate: seize, demand, assume, appropriate, presume, usurp, commandeer, expropriate

24. Mrs Davies was told that her farm had been expropriated without compensation.

25. They will not resign themselves to losing state power and being expropriated.

26. Much of the land for the airport was expropriated from local farmers.

27. Threats to expropriate, always a gimmick to increase popularity, never materialised.

28. Just when you feel some people get too wealthy, you just expropriate them.

29. The police station is in a private home that the Communists expropriated in 19

30. Will Iran set free the people that the tyrants have enslaved and expropriated?

31. Campbell reported that it would require $ 3 000 to expropriate the land needed.

32. Article 10 The land for urban roads may be expropriated according to the law.

33. Legislation was introduced to expropriate land from absentee landlords and redistribute it to peasants.

34. In Uganda, retaliatory attacks on humans increased when starving villagers began expropriating leopards' kills (a feeding strategy known as kleptoparasitism).

35. If they try to stop production he said, I'll expropriate them and pay nothing.

36. Synonyms for Commandeer include appropriate, seize, expropriate, take, confiscate, arrogate, usurp, sequester, sequestrate and annexe

37. Another popular money-making scheme saw some "greedy princes" expropriate land from commoners.

38. Synonyms for Confiscate include expropriate, sequester, appropriate, commandeer, impound, seize, sequestrate, attach, annexe and annex

39. Confiscate verb seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate, sequestrate They Confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material

40. Confiscate verb seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate, sequestrate They Confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material

41. For the expropriated farmers,[] re - employment difficulty directly leads to a series of life difficulty.

42. They wanted to expropriate a three-mile strip along the river, 159 acres in size.

43. If it were to expropriate their property it would have to compensate them with scarce foreign exchange.

44. And then the masses of impoverished workers would finally rebel and expropriate the riches of the wealthy proprietors.

45. The Municipal Government may, in line with public interest requirements, expropriate land in accordance with legal provisions.

46. Arrogate verb seize, demand, assume, appropriate, presume, usurp, commandeer, expropriate, claim unduly He Arrogated the privilege to himself alone

47. The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land expropriated is forbidden to be embezzled or misappropriated.

48. The State can expropriate lands with certain compensation for the needs of public interests in accordance of the law according to the 10th provision in "Constitution ".

49. Verb seize, demand, assume, appropriate, presume, usurp, commandeer, expropriate, claim unduly He Arrogated the privilege to himself alone

50. Use the value of the land declared by the landlord for tax purposes as the basis of compensation for expropriated land.

51. 27 The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land expropriated is forbidden to be embezzled or misappropriated.

52. A right of first refusal was granted to former land and home owners when their expropriated property came on the market.

53. Then, in the 1970s, the government expropriated thousands of acres of ejido land nationwide to promote tourism and other development.

54. Arrogate verb seize, demand, assume, appropriate, presume, usurp, commandeer, expropriate, claim unduly He Arrogated the privilege to himself alone

55. The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law.

56. Monetary inflation, then, acts as a hidden "tax" by which the early receivers expropriate (i.e., gain at the expense of) the late receivers.

57. Poland, as soon as declared independence and established official government borders (autumn 19, decided to stake a claim to expropriate Lithuanian Vilnius region, Belarus and half of Ukraine.

58. Propertyrights is a fundamental civil rights, for the common interests, public power can expropriate and limit it by law, but it should be given administrative compensation.

59. " shall be modified as "The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law.

60. A year later, he reportedly denounced her as a "counter-revolutionary worm" after she started selling off the cattle on their mother's estate before he could expropriate the land.

61. "We are agents of the Committee, and we have a warrant to expropriate this house, " announced one of the guards, a short and plump man with a heavy black beard.

62. To implement such a programme, we have to break the control of big business over the wealth of our countries and expropriate the large banks and financial institutions under workers' control.

63. Now this brings us to Gates's key concept: what does it mean to expropriate other people's traditions, more particularly the white tradition, and what is the advantage of doing so?

64. The prime minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, is refusing to make the spending cuts mandated by international lenders and has floated a new law that would partially expropriate foreign banks' loan books.

65. The Bogomils proposed to expropriate the lands and all the goods of the monasteries, the churches and the feudal landlords, and also to abolish the differences between the classes and distribute private property fairly

66. Edward Snowden Copied and leaked information from inside the world's most protected spy agency, and then fled to Russia, but yet, because a small part of the data he expropriated was provided to a news organisation, journalism conventions readily accord him lone whistleblower status

67. Callipers area that has been rubbed or scraped away; act of rubbing or scraping away, scraped area of skin, wearing away, wearing away of rock ancient Shinto priestly family expropriate prkositi unforgettably Allow Edits network architecture majmun good wife and wise mother kerchief crowded gag disk array govoriti rumunjski Alleviates bottom

68. There are many complicated matters there, including the actual kidnapping of our citizens on suspicion of cybercrimes, ignoring the Russian-US agreement on legal assistance in criminal matters, which has to be applied in case of suspicions of our nationals' criminal activities (under the agreement we must obtain information and conduct consultations), adoption of children, when Russian children die in US foster families and courts acquit parents who were obviously involved in immoral and criminal actions, and our diplomatic property that was, in fact, expropriated, as well as many other things.